Saturday, June 24, 2006

For Sunday , June 25, 2006


JUNE 25TH, 2006


The greater the obstacle the more glory in overcoming it.



When fear comes, counter it with an affirmation of faith.


When worry is present, trust cannot crowd its way in.

 Billy Graham


One more day of sunshine here before the rain moves in again .  The weather map shows rain on all sides of us moving our way.  Many roads in our area were still closed today due to flooding and our local park where they are supposed to have fireworks for the 4th of July is closed indefinitely. 

My sister and I took a walk to see the falls (we actually do have some beautiful ones that are on our river that runs through our town) Friday evening and I have to say the force of that great mass of water could power a few cities right now.  I've never seen them so big and powerful.

I've procratinated over taking my walks and exercising more this summer.  That is actually the first one of the season.  Hopefully there will be many more this summer.  Next time I'll take my camera so that you all can see what I'm talking about.

Have a great day all !  Another wonderful one on the Way !

Please pray for God's protection of our troops and HIS wisdom for their commanders.

Lord, hold our troops in

your loving hands. Protect them as they

protect us. Bless them and their families

for the selfless acts they perform for us

in our time of need. I ask this in the

name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior


God Bless you all !



Okra comes from a large plant thought to be of African origin. It grows in warm climates and is in the same family as hibiscus and cotton plants. It's a good source of Vitamin A and often used to thicken soups or stews. People who don't like the slick texture of okra might love it fried in cornmeal - a favorite dish in the South.

1 lb. fresh okra

1 large green tomato

1 medium onion

1 clove garlic

1 jalapeno pepper (optional)

2 eggs

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/2 cup milk

1 cup cornmeal

1/4 cup vegetable Oil

1. Cut off ends of okra and slice into 1/4" pieces. Chop up the tomato, onion, garlic and jalapeno pepper. In a large bowl, toss all the vegetables with a couple of forks to mix. 2. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Mix well by hand. Pour this mixture over the vegetables and toss to coat. 3. Gradually add the cornmeal. Continue tossing the vegetables until everything is evenly mixed - it will look like a gooey mess! 4. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat until hot. Spoon the mixture evenly into the skillet. Reduce heat to low, cover and fry until the bottom is browned (about 10 to 15-minutes). Turn the mixture over and continue to fry uncovered for 5 to 8-minutes. 5. Cover a plate with paper towels. Dump the fried vegetablesonto the paper towels to drain the excess oil. Serve hot.


Today is America's Kids Day, a day to teach children the value of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Today is Log Cabin Day.

Leon Day - Leon Day (NOEL spelled backwards) is 6 months from Christmas. Celebrate anyone with the name of Leon. It is also a day to receive gifts rather than give one

1630 :Governor John Winthrop introduces the table fork to America

1929: President Hoover authorized construction of Boulder (Hoover) Dam

1935: United Press reported persistent rumors that Ford was building a 4-cylinder diesel automobile to compete for auto sales in Japan. The new secret car would fly at 70 miles an hour and sell for $300.

1988: Roger Rabbit Cartoon Character debuts in the Walt Disney movie 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' which also featured a multitude of cartoon characters circa 1948. Even the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote were there though they didn't debut until 1949

1988: The hottest temperature ever recorded in Cleveland occurs (104 degrees).

1993: "Sleepless In Seattle" starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan opened in theaters


Brain cells come and brain cells go,

but... fat cells live forever


Beauty Tips for the Inner You

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For beautiful eyes, seek out the goodin other people.

To lose weight, let go of stress and the need to control others.

To improve your ears, listen to the word of God.

Touch someone with your love.

Rather than focus on the thorns of life, smell the roses and count your blessings.

For poise, walk with knowledge and self-esteem.

To strengthen your arms, hug at least 3 people a day.

To strengthen your heart, forgive yourself and others.

Don't worry and hurry so much.

Rather walk this earth lightly and yet leave your mark.


teleological • \tel-ee-uh-LAH-jih-kul

adjective : exhibiting or relating to design or purpose especially in nature

What is the true purpose of life's voyage? wrote John R. Illingworth in 1907, posing what he termed the great teleological question

A teleologist attempts to understand the purpose of something by looking at its results. A teleological philosopher might argue that we should judge whether an act is good or bad by seeing if it produces a good or bad result, and a teleological explanation of evolutionary changes claims that all such changes occur for a definite purpose.


Do not thou, O Lord, withhold thy mercy from me, let thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness ever preserve me!

Psalm 40:11

God asks that we do ourbest

But He accepts us when we fail,

For no matter what we do to Him

His love and truth prevail.

Helen Steiner Rice

Look to the future and become increasingly aware of God as a forgiving God. The past is past. He forgives us and loves us.


Moss and sorrel in lawns usually mean poor soil, poor aeration or drainage, or excessive acidity


Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your Heart

Psalm 37:4

I Love You All !!!

Be Blessed !!!



I believe we should live ‘ON THE BRIGHT SIDE’




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